Custom Commands

With custom commands you can make the voice search even smarter. This function enables your users to give your webshop commands, like "Go to my shoppingcart" or "Show me sale-products".

Search queries
Use this field to fill in the search commands. You can add multiple commands per field by seperating the commands by comma.

Go to url
Fill in the url to where the user will be send to automatically after speaking one of the commands. This can be an internal url, like a category, a textpage, the shopping-cart, a product, but it's also possible to fill in an external url.

Practicle example #1
If an user uses the Voice Search to search for "Trousers", you don't want to show only products with "Trousers" in the title. Instead, you want to redirect the user to the category "Trousers" to show all products matching the search command.

Practicle example #2
When a user says "Go to cart" or "Checkout", you want the user to be redirected to the shopping-cart instead of searching for shopping carts. Use the field Search Queries to fill in "Go to shopping cart, Checkout". In the url-field, fill in "/cart/", so the user will be redirected to the shopping cart.