
By adding synonyms you can make the Voice Search smarter. This option enables you to replace words that look like each other by the correct words. You can also replace words by another word with the same meaning. You can add 25 synonyms.

Original text
Use this field to add the text that needs to be replaced.

Use this field to add the text that replaces the value from the "Original text" field.

Practical example #1
Your visitors search for "Headphone" a lot, but your products in your webshop are titled "Headset".
In this case, use the field Original text to add the word "Headphone". Use Synonym to add "Headset".
When a user now uses Voice Search to search for "Headphone", this word will be replace with "Headset" automatically.

Practical example #2
Your visitors search a lot for "cart", but the speech recognition thinks they say "card".
In this case, use the field Original text to add the word "Card". Use Synonym to add "Cart".
When Voice Search thinks an users says "Card", this word will be replace with "Cart" automatically.