Dealers page

  1. Go to Dashboard > Products > Categories
  2. Click the Add Category button at the top right of the screen. This will make a new categorie.
  3. A pop-up window will open in which you can indicate a name and type.
    • Title: Give this de following name “Dealers”
    • Type: Give the category the type ‘Overview’.
  4. After creating the category, return to the overview of all categories. Click on the category Dealers to edit it.
  5. To add different dealers to your Dealer page you will have to do the following: Go to your overview, click behind dealers on de button “Add”
  6. Add in the “Title” the name of de Dealer. For example: “InStijl Media”
  7. Under “Description” enter the address details of the dealer, such as:
    Place: Gelderland, Eibergen
    Address: De Mors 11D, 7151MX

    Phone: 040 – 12 34 56 78
    Mobile: 06 – 12 34 56 78
    Email: [email protected]

Dealer Filters

You can create the filters for the dealer page via Dashboard> Design > Theme settings> 05 – General> Dealerpage Filters. Type in a keyword on which you can search. For example “Eibergen, Enschede”.

Important: The keyword must be found in the description text or title name of the Dealer.