8. Contact

Enable the newsletter feature and upload a matching promotional image for it.

Contact details
Enter the contact details of your company. This data then appears in the footer.

Yotpo Key
Enter your Yotpo key to activate your yotpo reviews.
More information: https://www.yotpo.com/

Facebook Pixel ID
Enter Facebook pixel ID to activate your facebook pixel.
More information: https://ecom-support.lightspeedhq.com/hc/nl/articles/360001439673-Facebook-Business-Marketing-op-Facebook

Google Conversion ID
Enter here your Google conversion ID.
More information: https://ecom-support.lightspeedhq.com/hc/nl/articles/220319828-Google-Adwords-Conversie-code
Or contact your Google partner.

Google Tag Manager ID
Enter here your Google tag manager ID.
Or contact your Google partner.

Opening hours
Enter the opening hours of your store for each day of the week. The customer service section in the left sidebar shows when you are available. Make sure that the time is always entered in the “hours:minutes” format and that there is always a hyphen between the opening and closing time.

Social media
Enter the URLs of your social media profiles (if applicable).