

Theme Persona Visueel Color

Body background

Choose the background color for the body of your webshop here.

Font color

Select the font color of the base text here.

Block background color

Choose the background color for the blocks of the categories, products, brands, sidebar widgets, etc.

Block text

Choose the font color for the blocks of the categories, products, brands, sidebar widgets, etc.

Usp Background

Choose the background color for the usp bar here.

Usp icon color

Select the color of your usp icon here.

Usp font color

Choose the font color of your usp bar here.

Header background

Select the background color of the header here.

Header font color

Select the font color of your header.

Navbar background

Choose the background for the navigation bar.

Navbar font color

Choose the font color for the navigation bar.

Review Stars

Choose the color for your review stars.

Footer contact

Select the background color for the contact bar.

Footer contact text

Select the font color of the contact bar.

Footer background

Select the background color of your footer.

Footer font color

Select the font color of the footer text.



Theme Persona Visueel Button

Primary background color

Select the background color for the primary action buttons.

Primary background gradient

Activate a gradient color for the primary action buttons here.

Primary background gradient color

Select the color you would like to mix the primary background color with to give a gradient effect to the color of the primary buttons.

Primary font color

Define the font color for the primary action buttons.

Secondary background color

Define the background color for the secondary action buttons.

Secondary background gradient

Activate a gradient color for the secondary action buttons.

Secondary gradient background color

Select the color you would like to mix the secondary background color with to give a gradient effect to the color of the secondary buttons.

Secondary font color

Define the font color of the secondary action buttons.



Headings (Google web fonts)
Choose a font for your titles here.

Heading font weight
Choose the thickness for your titles here.

Body (Google web fonts)
Choose a font for your body here.