3. Background

Here are the most important colours of the theme. Select up to three colours and colour the theme as if it is a colouring. You can easily and completely implement your existing house style in your theme by choosing the right colours for the features below.

Background image
Select a background image here.

Background image positioning
Determine the positioning of the background image.

Background image repetition
Indicate whether the background image should be repeated and whether it should scroll along with the user.

Select the background colour of the USP navigation bar.

Header colour
Select the background colour of the header.

Category button colour
Select the background colour for the “Choose a category” button.

Navigation colour
Select the background colour of the navigation bar. The “Choose a category” button can be adjusted using the category button colour.

Slider button colour
Select the background colour of the button in the slider.

Buttons colour
Choose which colour you want to use for all regular buttons in your webshop.

Shopping cart button colour
Select the call-to-action (CTA) colour here. By changing this colour, all shopping cart buttons will be adjusted.

Footer colour
Select the background colour of the footer.